Life's Little Pleasures

Identify Yourself!
posted on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 10:25 PM | 0 cmnt/s

A day of massive change in the Australian political frontier. We are truly heading into the unknown. I just hope that the ALP doesn't further lose it's way.

Anyway... something that made me laugh today: I just realised today that on the computers at work, when it asks you to log on, it demands that you "Identify Yourself"........

It made me laugh


Pleasurable Pleasures
posted on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 7:45 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: Minute to Win it on tv
Feeling like: cleaning out my crap from my bedroom

1. Finishing a book and having that cathartic feeling.
2. Having an incredibly amazing, loving, talented, and beautiful boyfriend.
3. Having fun helping my little brother with his Volcano poster and speech. (seriously... it's the most creative I've been able to be in years!)
4. Watching Minute to Win It.
5. Wanting to do all the things on Minute to Win it right now.
6. Watching Grey's Anatomy.
7. Hugging a cushion in shock for two hours whilst watching Grey's.

Just a thought: you've really got to enjoy every moment you have with those that you love. You've got to tell them just how much you love them, how much they mean to you. Because you'll never know when they'll leave. Otherwise you might regret that you never told them how much they mean to you.

posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 6:19 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: the tv
Feeling like: crawling into bed with a good movie

1. FINALLY being free
2. Kevin Rudd
3. Playing the PS2
4. Fruit for dinner
5. tomorrow

A Decent Day
posted on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 5:06 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: Stragglers Moon -- The Fratellis
Feeling like: feeling really good ;)

1. Having a decent sleep-in
2. Going around to Brad's
3. Driving in the sunshine
4. Having the best crackling in the world for lunch
5. Watching a rather cool tv show called Jekyll
6. Spending one-on-one time with the most awesome person in the world (p.s. it's Brad ;) )
7. Tim-Tams
8. The yummiest spring roles ever
9. A sign at the supermarket advertising "Rotin Tomatoes" hehehe
10. Eating marshmellows camping-style at home with a candle

Today is ending on a not so nice note
posted on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 9:28 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: myself tapping away at the keyboard
Feels like: Getting angry at some people

Lets start with the positives, shall we?

1. Getting to spend at least a bit of time with my boyfriend
2. Being stopped at a set of traffic lights, and seeing the man in the nice car next to me, dressed rather nicely, fully dancing and getting into it whilst listening to Walking on Sunshine ("WOOAAHHOO!")
3. Getting a rather pleasing Political Science major essay mark back (78% :) )
4. Having a dictionary in my French exam
5. Feeling like I aced my French exam
6. Catching up with Matt
7. Planning Matt's escape from "the prison"
8. Learning that hairdressers (or at least good ones) are basically psychic!
9. Having a hot water bottle in bed with me

Now things that really shit me:
1. People who drive 20 km/h under the speed limit in the right hand lane on the highway and aren't turning right in the near future
2. People who go at least 30 km/h over the limit in a 70 zone.
3. People who really really have no idea what they're talking about when making outlandish statements in the Letters to the Editor section of the West Australian.

That it all.

Today's Pleasures
posted on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 5:30 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: the tv
Feeling like: dancing

1. Sleeping in instead of studying
2. Watching House instead of studying
3. Then watching property shows instead of studying
4. Standing in front of the heater
5. Not getting lost
6. Having cheese pizza with friends
7. Listening to "Aussi Drinking Songs" on the way to an exam
8. Thinking you did well at the multiple choice section of an exam
9. Walking out of an exam feeling content
10. Sitting, chatting on the phone and drinking milo with marshmellows to enjoy a moment of peace
11. Watching the talent of Australia
12. Having coffee + vanilla icecream
13. Being blown away by illusions
14. Watching the most amazing moves by Justice Crew
15. Finishing my notes for my French exam tomorrow
16. Discovering a life beyond High School
17. Planning on getting coffee with my "bffl" tomorrow ;)
18. Watching Grey's Anatomy

ok, ok you've got my attention now.
posted on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 10:05 PM | 0 cmnt/s

So it's now 10.06 pm, I've given up study for the evening to enjoy a moment or two of blogging whilst skypeing with my wonderful boyfriend (11 months today :) ). He's currently showing me the perfect wa to cook a hamburger with one hand- bless him!

I thought I'd begin with the simple things of facebook... since it seems that everything these days from fashion, current affairs, disasters and more revolve around that simple social networking site. I must admit, one of my favourite things to do on facebook is join groups. So I'm going to begin with a list of my favourite groups on facebook that revolve around Harry Potter (see.. bringing two of my loves together!!!). I know this sounds a bit lame, but it's just one of my life's little pleasures.. and that's the point of this blog anyway!!!

Ok... here we go:

1. Muck day at Hogwarts must be insane
2. What lesson do you have now? "Defence against the dark arts, you?" .... English
3. I hate it when I run into a wall and end up on platform 9 and 3/4
4. I hate it when someone puts your name into the Goblet of Fire and doesn't tell you.
5. Sorry mate, I can't, I've got Quidditch
6.The hilarity of changing the word "wand" to "willy in Harry Potter quotes
7. Luckily my Nimbus 2000 can fly through volcanic ash
8. Harry Potter when he's high and talking about pincers
9. I hate it when you're flying to school and a Whomping Willow attacks you
10. I hate it when you go to clean your house and Harry Potter is in the cupboard

Yep... this is awkward now.

I'm just going to slowly back away from the laptop....

Oh not another one!!!
posted on at 8:53 PM | 0 cmnt/s

I actually don't even want to think about the amount of blogs that I've created over the years. Fingers crossed that this one sticks!

I'd love to write more tonight, but unfortunantly I've got an exam tomorrow for uni... Urgh. Don't you just hate those???


I'll be back soon with my little pleaures.

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