Life's Little Pleasures

Today is ending on a not so nice note
posted on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 9:28 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: myself tapping away at the keyboard
Feels like: Getting angry at some people

Lets start with the positives, shall we?

1. Getting to spend at least a bit of time with my boyfriend
2. Being stopped at a set of traffic lights, and seeing the man in the nice car next to me, dressed rather nicely, fully dancing and getting into it whilst listening to Walking on Sunshine ("WOOAAHHOO!")
3. Getting a rather pleasing Political Science major essay mark back (78% :) )
4. Having a dictionary in my French exam
5. Feeling like I aced my French exam
6. Catching up with Matt
7. Planning Matt's escape from "the prison"
8. Learning that hairdressers (or at least good ones) are basically psychic!
9. Having a hot water bottle in bed with me

Now things that really shit me:
1. People who drive 20 km/h under the speed limit in the right hand lane on the highway and aren't turning right in the near future
2. People who go at least 30 km/h over the limit in a 70 zone.
3. People who really really have no idea what they're talking about when making outlandish statements in the Letters to the Editor section of the West Australian.

That it all.
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