Life's Little Pleasures

A Decent Day
posted on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 5:06 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: Stragglers Moon -- The Fratellis
Feeling like: feeling really good ;)

1. Having a decent sleep-in
2. Going around to Brad's
3. Driving in the sunshine
4. Having the best crackling in the world for lunch
5. Watching a rather cool tv show called Jekyll
6. Spending one-on-one time with the most awesome person in the world (p.s. it's Brad ;) )
7. Tim-Tams
8. The yummiest spring roles ever
9. A sign at the supermarket advertising "Rotin Tomatoes" hehehe
10. Eating marshmellows camping-style at home with a candle
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