Life's Little Pleasures

Pleasurable Pleasures
posted on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 7:45 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Listening to: Minute to Win it on tv
Feeling like: cleaning out my crap from my bedroom

1. Finishing a book and having that cathartic feeling.
2. Having an incredibly amazing, loving, talented, and beautiful boyfriend.
3. Having fun helping my little brother with his Volcano poster and speech. (seriously... it's the most creative I've been able to be in years!)
4. Watching Minute to Win It.
5. Wanting to do all the things on Minute to Win it right now.
6. Watching Grey's Anatomy.
7. Hugging a cushion in shock for two hours whilst watching Grey's.

Just a thought: you've really got to enjoy every moment you have with those that you love. You've got to tell them just how much you love them, how much they mean to you. Because you'll never know when they'll leave. Otherwise you might regret that you never told them how much they mean to you.
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