Life's Little Pleasures

A tad delayed, but AWESOME all the same!
posted on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 8:29 PM | 0 cmnt/s

So, I was driving along yesterday, listening to Jeff Wayne's musical version of 'The War of the Worlds' and I heard the following blare from my speakers:

At midnight on the twelfth of August, a huge mass of luminous gas erupted from Mars
and sped towards Earth. Across two hundred million miles of void, invisibly hurtling
towards us, came the first of the missiles that were to bring so much calamity to Earth.
As I watched, there was another jet of gas. It was another missile, starting on its way.

And that's how it was for the next ten nights.

And I was like "HOLD THE PHONE! That date sounds familiar!!! That was yesterday!!! What are the chances!?!?!?"

(Yes, that's EXACTLY what I was like)

And that just spun me out for a moment.

And then I realised that that meant that there are currently jets of gas hurtling towards Earth.

And then panic struck as I realised that that meant that we were going to be invaded by Marsians within the next couple of weeks!

... And then I remembered that it was a work of fiction, and wasn't actually real.
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