Life's Little Pleasures

...And some more, just for good measure...
posted on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 7:17 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Yo mama's so fat that the Sorting Hat put her in all four houses

Yo mama's so fat that a wingardium leviosa spell couldn't lift her

Yo mama's so fat, she makes Hagrid look like "Mini-me"

Yo mama's so fat, she tried to eat Cornelius Fudge

Yo mama's so ugly, even a dementor wouldn't kiss her

Yo Mama's so fat, her Patronus is a Double-Whopper with Cheese

Yo mama's the reason that Dumbledore turned gay

Yo Mama's so ugly, everybody calls her "She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Naked"

Yo mama's so fat that even the Dementors can't suck her soul out in one sitting

Yo mama's so fat, she looked in the mirror of Erised and saw a ham!

Yo mama's so stupid, she drowned in a pensieve

Yo mama's so dumb she thought that she could talk to snakes if she put parsley on her tongue

Yo mama's so poor that Dobby gave her a sock to keep her foot warm

Yo mama's so smelly, Bertie Bott made her his next jelly bean flavor.

Yo mama's so fat that it takes two boggarts to shape-shift into her!

Yo mama's so ugly that she lost a beauty contest to Mountain Troll

Yo mama's so fat the core of her wand has a creame filling

Yo mama's so ugly that as a baby they had to use the Confundus Charm so the family would play with her
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