Life's Little Pleasures

posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 12:17 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Just saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. I hadn't expected too much. I mean, seriously how can you do a Pirates of the Caribbean movie without either Orlando Bloom or Keira Knightly? But I was rather pleasantly surprised. The lack of OB and KK was made up with the appearance of our notable favorite pirate cast, as well as the new and familiar faces of Penelope Cruz and, my personal favorite, Richard Griffiths.

There becomes a certain level of impossibility that you come to expect from a Pirates movie. For example, would it really be possible to escape for being tied around a tree by climbing up it backwards then swinging for tree to tree on the same rope that held you?! But suspension of disbelief is a beautiful thing, so I can put this matter to the side. Furthermore, it is a Disney movie after-all, so you do come to expect a level of impossibility... Which certainly wasn't lacking in this latest film.

On thing I did find lacking in comparison to previous films, if I were to be picky, is that it just wasn't as funny. There certainly weren't as many fantastic one-liners, or if there were, they were clearly missed on me. Despite this, I still managed to have a grin on my face for the entire movie which undoubtedly seems to reflect the enjoyable nature of the film.

On another note, once again in Pirate style (save for At Worlds End), the conclusion (or lack there if) lends itself easily to another installment, for better or for worse. I am still in two minds regarding this. I personally felt that they should have left it at just the three movies. Having said that, I'm sure I would enjoy another action-packed hour and a half if piratey goodness!

All in all a very enjoyable movie, and I give it 4 bottles of rum out of 5.

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