I buy Spring Valley juices just to get the Liddle Fact.
Number plates interest me.
Books have overtaken my room... Doesn't help that I work in a bookshop either.
Guilty Pleasure: The $3 Crossword scratchies waste away my little spare change.
Me and my over-active imagination will someday rule the world.
Incredibly gullable and naive. But that's just how I roll.
So, after posting that YouTube link the other day (or was it yesterday???) I was thinking about sharing some other wonderful YouTube videos that I've come across.
There have been two today that I've seen and thought: well, that's something special.
Video number one is a rather nice "take home" message kinda video. I thought it was a clever bit of advertising that got it message across to the target audience well. So video number one for today is:
Video number two is a bit different to number one. Bit more humorous this one, and just gave me a good laugh, because well... we all do it. And no matter how unrelated our inner issue/conflict/reason to cry is, it always seems that Adele sings this song directly to you. And also, it's just really funny:
Keep smiling,
Kat xx
posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 10:58 PM | 0 cmnt/s
I've been told that apparently I don't blog much these days.